Under Construction
ToonQueen Ka-Tessa
Puppet Ka-Tessa is controled by her past
life. ;_;
Teehee!!! My first
animated gif. It has Cryptic and Ka-Tessa in it and is a reenactment of
many RP sessions we've had. Cryptic
belongs to himself.
First Picture Of Tessa Old Old Picture, In
This one she looks too Mighty Ducky. :P
Miss Her... Flight misses his girlfriend
Gloria who was erased from time ......
Doodle Madness! Religion Class In Highschool
Years Ago I Drew This. Ka-Tessa Is Hiding Behind Her Staff In Shame Saying
"I Hate It When She Doodles Like This." Followed By A Badly Drawn Grown
Up Gosalyn, And Flight As A Baby And Grown. ^_^ Don't Ask Where The Salior
Duck Came From.
Flight Doodle Flight In Disguise As An Eggman.
There Is One Flaw In The Disguise Though. Wheee!
