Fly.GIF Thee plane! Thee plane!
Begin.GIF Beginning of the Wolfduck
BeginBridge.GIF Begining of the
level with QuackerJack.
Brick.GIF Brick Everywhere! AHHHHH!!!!
DamnBat.GIF The image name explains
DarkwingFace.GIF Opening of the
Ducking.GIF A ducking duck.
Eggman.GIF Damn Eggmen
Gander.GIF Blah Blah Blah.....
Hanging.GIF It reminds us of those
"Just hang in there" posters.
Hooky.GIF Darkwing plays hooky. ^O^
IAm.GIF Sure you are, now please put on
this padded white jacket
InfoScreen.GIF Launchpadddddddddd!
Opening.GIF What the heck were they
thinking with those colors?
QuackerEnd.GIF End of the Quackerjack
QuackerJack.GIF ACKKKK! Run Away!
Where.GIF Where The Heck. 0.o;
