Disclaimer: Darkwing Duck, Lauchpad McQuack, Gosalyn, Splatter,
The Fearsome Five,SHUSH and F.O.W.L. belong to Disney. Ka-Tessa, Flight,Nega-Flight,
Windwing Duck, Author, Deja Vu, Plague, Jet, Gloria and whoever else crawls
out from under my fan fic rocks belongs to me, Duluna/Ka-Tessa/ToonQueen/Whatever
(I'm having a idenity crisis) @ ToonQueen@silverinsanity.com
NegaChick/Glowy/'Oria (speaking of idenity crisis....) and Kat belongs
to my dear friend Cleo @ NYSIAKAT@aol.com
So if you want to use anything ask us! If you use steal any of our stuff
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you so far over the hills of Damnation that the Lord himself can't find
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